Summer is coming to an end and though there are many warm days still left on the South Carolina calendar… the pool season is coming to a close.
Each year the board of directors contracts with a pool management company to open the pool, maintain it and the pool equipment throughout the year and close it when winter rolls in. While we would all love to be able to swim year round, there are several factors which the board must consider when contracting our opening and closing dates.
- Cost – Yep, cost is a factor. Pool management contracts are expensive. Chemicals, cleaning, emergency repairs… they all add up. The board tries to balance the budget so we have plenty of money to pay the management contract AND any unexpected pool expenses that may pop up.
- Company Availability – Pool management companies in our area rely heavily on part-time seasonal employees. This means they don’t always have the staff needed to open a pool a month early and then close it a month late. The cost to employ someone who would only be taking care of our pool would not be cost effective. Most contracts in our area run Memorial Day to Labor Day with few exceptions.
- Weather – Generally speaking, it gets warm in our area around the end of March. However the pool water is still pretty chilly until sometime in late May. Memorial Day is the last Monday in May. This year Memorial Day was observed on May 30th, 2022. Summer is officially June 21, 2022 – September 22, 2022. Labor Day is observed on the first Monday of September. With really warm weather kicking in sometime in late May and some of the cooler days of the year kicking in sometime in October… it’s difficult to nail down the best dates for opening and closing. Once the pool is open we are paying for daily cleanings and chemicals… whether people swim or not. In Almond Glen we try to stick to May and September as our opening and closing dates. Unfortunately that means we miss a few warm days on both ends of the pool season… and no “polar plunge” for us.
Hope everyone had a chance to enjoy the pool this summer.