Parking is a primary complaint in Almond Glen. Its brought up on social media, it comes up in board meetings… and it causes the occasional in person confrontation.

Almond Glen roadways are owned and maintained by the county. That means parking complains on county owned streets should be directed toward the Lancaster County Sheriffs Office. You can call their non-emergency number (803-283-4136) to report a parking complainant and request a deputy call you back. This allows you to remain anonymous while still ensuring the Deputy addresses the situation. Please remember, the decision to issue a parking ticket is always in the hands of the individual Deputy. Law Enforcement Officers are allowed to use discretion when dealing with minor infractions such as parking tickets. That said, Deputies generally do not enjoy returning over and over to deal with the same person.
It is suggested all residents familiarize themselves with South Carolina parking laws. PARKING LAWS LINK
Parking lots and the roadway in front of the townhomes are HOA owned. They present a different issue when it comes to parking. The Sheriffs Office can not enforce parking laws on private property (Handicap parking spaces and fire zones not included). The HOA can tow vehicles if they are abandoned or in violation of parking rules. There is also the possibility someone parking in a townhome owners marked spot will be towed by the owner. Visitor spots are for visitors who temporarily need a place to park a vehicle while visiting. If someone moves in with you for several weeks or months… you will need to make other arrangements. Parking on the street in front of the townhomes is prohibited.

Our roadways are narrow and off street parking can become cumbersome at times. It’s important to keep our roadways clear for deliveries, moving trucks, school busses and emergency vehicles. The board is actively seeking assistance from the Lancaster County Sheriffs Office with the parking issues in Almond Glen. Our members have made it clear to us they are tired of dodging parked vehicles and struggling to back out of their driveways.
Please be a part of the he solution. Share this information with your neighbors and help us clean up the roadways.