Home NewsPossible Criminal Activity and Scam

Possible Criminal Activity and Scam


This information was brought to the boards attention this week. We are sharing it with you in and effort to warn our neighbors.

Neighbors, there is an individual that is going about the neighborhood opening the back of AC units and shorting out the control board by sending 220 volts up the control cables. This burns out the control boards and makes your heating/AC inoperable.

The control boards are isolated from high voltage which makes this kind of damage highly unlikely. You will be told that this damage was caused by a power surge.

If this has happened to you please call Lancaster Sheriff’s department at (803) 283-3388 and ask to have a deputy come out to investigate.

How you can protect yourself:

Get a screw driver and go out to your condenser and make sure all of your screws are tight. if you find some that are loose on the rear cover of your AC unit (where the wires come in) tighten the screws tightly.

If you have access to a camera system or trailcams, position them so you can see who has been on your property.

Only use a licensed, bonded AC personnel to work on your units.