For those who have lived here since the pool opened in 2008 or 2009, you may recall we had lifeguards. That changed in 2015.

In 2015 the board worked with DHEC to have our pool reclassified so we would not be required to have lifeguards. This was in direct response to complaints about lifeguards not doing anything, lifeguards sleeping, lifeguards not enforcing rules, lifeguards enforcing too many rules, lifeguards being used as babysitters, unwanted breaks, etc.

The 2016 Pool season opened earlier and closed later than in the past thanks to the lack of lifeguards and savings associated with the Aquatech contract. Money from the contact was shifted to cover the installation of the camera system and automatic gate locks. The 3 year plan is to shift money to cover more furniture and other upgrades at the pool.

So the question I hear most often is… what are we paying Aquatech to do?

  1. Keep us compliant with various state regulations
    1. We have a “public pool” and that means we need permits and records for review by state inspectors.
  2. Make repairs, conduct maintenance checks, test chemicals, add chemicals, etc.
  3. Clean the pool
  4. Clean and stock the bathrooms
  5. Provide an attendant during contracted hours
    1. Attendants are contracted to cover the times when the pool committee estimates pool usage is highest.
    2. Attendants straighten and clean the pool deck when members leave messes and don’t put chairs/tables back
    3. Attendants enfonce rules
    4. Attendants may check for pool fobs or verify members are the only people using the pool
    5. Attendants are basic first aid and CPR certified
    6. Attendants are there to assist the members
    7. Put umbrellas away at night and verify restrooms are clean and clear before closing.
    8. Ensure the automatic locks for the gates and doors engage at closing

Attendants are NOT lifeguards. They do not watch the pool like lifeguards.

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