Home NewsCrime Alert – July 21, 2016

Crime Alert – July 21, 2016


Reports have been coming in to the HOA again of neighbors who found their vehicles rumaged through and small items taken from their cars. If you routinely leave your doors unlocked, please conciser locking them up or at least removing all loose items. Like feeding cats, small “wins” for thieves encourage them to keep coming back for more.

If you “always lock your doors” but tend to leave laptops, phones, jewelry, change, FIREARMS, etc in your car. Please consider removing all of those items to prevent a loss when you “forget one time” to lock the doors or someone ups their game and starts breaking into cars.

Also think about those automatic garage door openers you have in your car. While convenient, they provide easy access to your garage and covert access to your home.

If you discovered your vehicle was rummaged through, please notify the Lancaster County Sheriifs Office – non emergency line (803) 283-4136. Statistics gathered from the reports provide valuable information used to track crime trends, assist commanders when determining where patrols are needed, and notify patrol officers where to keep an eye out. You MUST file a police report to get the full benefit. DO NOT ALLOW an Officer or Deputy to “get your info and pass it on”. Please ask for a report, even if nothing was taken.

If you don’t mind sharing the info, please let us know if this has happened to you. Join your neighbors on Nextdoor.com to stay up to date on events in the area.

Also, if you have cameras around your home, please review them. Often the suspect(s) in these crimes go from house to house looking for targets of opportunity. You may have video and not realize it because your vehicle was locked up and didn’t see evidence of a crime.

Be sure to lock up your doors, close and lock any sheds, put away loose items, don’t leave valuables in your vehicles, turn on porch lights, and report unusual events or suspicious people and vehicles to law enforcement (right away!!).

Thanks and be safe!

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