Home Board Meetings (DATES)November 7, 2023 – Board Meeting

November 7, 2023 – Board Meeting

The Board of Directors will meet on November 7, 2023 at 8 pm.

The focus of this meeting will be a review of the current finances and 2024 budget.

This will be a virtual meeting. The Board welcomes members to join the meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81062087601?pwd=bk1hWldXc2x4QzU2T1d0a3hsWldkUT09

  • Meeting ID: 810 6208 7601
  • Passcode: 297570

Dial-in is also available: 646 931 3860 US

  • Meeting ID: 810 6208 7601
  • Passcode: 297570

If you have any questions you’d like addressed, please send them to almondglenhoa@gmail.com no later than Wednesday, November 1.

Click here to review the 2024 budget prior to the meeting.


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4 thoughts on “November 7, 2023 – Board Meeting

  1. Thank you for posting the meeting minutes. Can you please also post the zoom video recording so we can hear the discussions? Couple other questions. You indicated inspections will resume in a few weeks. After that first one how often will they take place and what is the process for inspections? Previously it was step one amg, step 2 our board, step 3 written notice, etc. is there a new process with the new board? Regarding the violations for parking, what is that process? Is it documented somewhere? Is first step verbal, then written, then fines, then..? Thanks!

  2. Should we expect board meetings every three weeks for this boards term? If not, can you let us know how often there will be meetings? thanks!

  3. Question for finance. What is the process when costs are projected in advance to exceed the planned budget for the year?

  4. Will you be discussing the lawsuit against me you claimed to have voted on? As a dues paying member of the association I’d like to know the potential cost of the lawsuit to the neighborhood and any impact it will have on our assessments. It seems crazy to try to hide such an important financial decision from the homeowners who will be asked to spend potentially tens of thousands of dollars on an issue with nothing material to gain. I spoke about this at the last meeting but unfortunately the video of the meeting has not been posted and the topic I spoke on was left off the meeting minutes.

    Are you afraid of being transparent with the homeowners?

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