Home POOL UPDATES - Links2023 POOL INFO (Dates, Rule reminders, Info)
2023 POOL INFO (Dates, Rule reminders, Info)

2023 POOL INFO (Dates, Rule reminders, Info)

Pool Season Opening Date: Saturday, May 6, 2023
Pool Season Closing Date: TO BE DECIDED 

7AM – 8AM – Exercise Only

8AM – DUSK – Regular Swim

POOL ATTENDANTS: No attendants or lifeguards.

– Please limit the number of guests unless you have notified the board in advanced.
– Please remember allowing others into the pool area without a fob or allowing use of your fob may place you at risk of being liable for damages or guests behavior.
– No ball throwing. (Guests have been hit by random types of balls. Be considerate of others.)
– If you are found inside the gates after DUSK you may be responsible for DHEC fines, (These have been as high as $3000 in the past few years). You are responsible for knowing when DUSK is. The board has not assigned a time. Violations may result in earlier closing times to prevent violations.
– There are no attendants or lifeguards. The Pool is a SWIM AT YOUR OWN RISK FACILITY. PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOURSELF.
– Please close umbrellas when you leave. Do not assume someone will close it. Failure to close your umbrella may result in you being billed for the replacement if it is damaged. 

POOL FOB BASICS: Access to the pool area is controlled by an automated gate access system. Each household was issued a “fob” which will open the gate. Please scan your fob when you enter the pool in order to keep a complete record of activity at the pool. The gate records help us determine how popular the pool is at different time of the season. Please do not open the gate for others. Opening the gate for someone may place you are risk of assuming responsibility for those you allow into the pool. Without the scan from each family visiting we might assume the pool isn’t busy at certain times and dates.

LOST, DAMAGED or NON-FUNCTIONAL POOL FOBS: Additional or Replacement fobs may be purchased for $20 each. The money is placed into the general fund via a “petty cash” fund. The board of directors have access to a limited number of extra fobs. Please contact the board if you need an extra or additional pool fob.

SWIM LESSONS: The Almond Glen Owners Association, Inc does not allow unauthorized vendors access to the pool for the purpose of teaching swim lessons.

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