Home Board Meetings (DATES)2015 Notice of Annual Meeting

2015 Notice of Annual Meeting


CLICK HERE —->  AG 2015 Annual Meeting Notice Proxy Nomination Form 


The 2015 Annual Meeting will be held on July 16, 2015 at 6:30pm at the Pool Lawn, 2116 Caprington Drive, Fort Mill, SC 29707 for the following purposes:

Gather and Collect Proxies 

State of the Community Report 

Resident Board of Directors Election 


Sign-in and reception begins at 6:00pm with business of the meeting beginning at 6:30pm. Enclosed you will find a proxy, nomination form, and a copy of the approved 2015 budget.

It is very important that there be a quorum present in order to conduct the meeting. If a quorum is not achieved, the meeting will be postponed until a later date. Your Bylaws state that to constitute a quorum, members may be present in person or by proxy. We hope you will plan to attend the meeting in person. However, if you cannot attend, we ask that you complete the enclosed proxy and mail it to the address on the form prior to the scheduled meeting. You may also submit your proxy to any neighbor you know who will be attending the meeting. Your proxy can also be presented at the Annual Meeting. Please note that if you submit your proxy and later find that you can attend the meeting, the proxy can be withdrawn at the meeting prior to any vote.

Following the state of the Community Report, elections for five (5) Resident Board of Directors positions, each with a one-year term, will take place at the meeting. In addition, if you would like to nominate yourself or another resident for a Director position, please complete the appropriate enclosed nomination form and bring it with you to the meeting. If you are unable to attend the meeting, please return it to any Board member or any resident you know will be attending or mail it to the address noted on the form. Nominations will also be taken from the floor during the Annual Meeting.

All Almond Glen residents are encouraged to attend this meeting as the business to be conducted will help direct the future of your community. If you have concerns about your community or would like to take a more proactive role in shaping your community, please plan to attend this meeting. This meeting will be controlled and focused solely on the aforementioned items. If you are unable to attend please complete the enclosed proxy form and ensure it is brought to the meeting.


Association Management Group of Charlotte, Inc.
Management Company of Record for the Almond Glen HOA


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